Getting Outside Ourselves

Getting Outside Ourselves

I’ve transitioned back to American life after being an expat for extended periods twice now from two different countries. Both times, the change that most impacted me on a daily basis was the difference in time spent outdoors. I found myself longing for the 15 minute walk to the grocery store or the classic Sunday stroll through town or the massive city parks where I had spent evenings and weekends walking and picnicking. In fact, I usually averaged 3-5 miles of walking in a day, without trying to work it in as exercise. Getting outside was easy. It was part of everyone’s daily life.

Most Europeans I know love being outdoors. They make it a priority in their free time. But life itself demands it, no matter what. You simply can’t drive everywhere, which forces you to walk. No matter the weather.

In Texas, we are often ready with an excuse for why it’s not ideal. It’s too hot or too cold or too rainy. There’s nothing forcing us outdoors, and it’s not socially acceptable to be hot and sweaty anywhere outside of a workout.

Let’s take the enormous amount of time we spend on our screens out of the equation. Unless you live in a place like New York City, a day running errands means that you are in the car most of the day. We drive to a place, go inside to complete our task, and return to the car.

But scientists and researchers have long been mounting evidence that being outside is not only good for us. It’s necessary.

It improves our mood and benefits our mental health.

There are 3 main theories why nature is so effective at improving our well-being. The International Journal of Wellbeing has a great article explaining why. But to summarize in layman’s terms, there are 3 main theories:

  • Until the last generation or 2 in the historical timeline, humans spent almost all of their time outdoors. Living the urban life is a pretty recent development. So it stands to reason, that we are biologically attuned to nature.
  • Natural environments capture our attention in a way that allows us to let go and live in the moment.
  • Nature calms us down and give our minds and bodies a chance to recover from stress.
Regardless of the reason, a myriad of studies have been done on various benefits from spending time in nature. They’ve concluded that even minutes of exposure to natural environments can:

One Danish study even found that children who lived in neighborhoods with more green space are 55% less likely to experience mental illness.

So it’s quite clear that spending time in nature is good for us, but how much and how?

In a study done in the UK of nearly 20,000 adults, they found that 2 hours per week gave participants significantly better health and well-being. It didn’t even have to be all at once.

But how?

That depends very much on your family and your lifestyle!

If you have tweens or younger kids in your house, I highly recommend looking into @1000hoursoutside and on Instagram or looking for the 1000 Hours Outside book by Ginny Yurich. You’ll be inspired with all the fun ideas and beautiful imagery.

Here are a few more ideas you might like, but I’m sure you’ll find more!
  • Pack a picnic lunch and head to your favorite green space. You can do this even during the week!
  • Visit the closest botanical gardens or arboretum. My family LOVES the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens. It’s well worth buying the family pass and losing track of time there on the weekends (or some well-deserved PTO).
  • Google hiking trails near you and make it a family adventure or a staycation activity.
  • Go strawberry picking. Or any kind of fruit harvest is delightful! Tell me in the comments in you want local DFW options.
  • Take phone calls outside.
  • Instead of heading to the gym after work, head to the closest walking trail before or after work.
  • If you can, create an outdoor space at home where you can read, have dinner, invite guests. Even teenagers will get excited about this one once they try it!
  • This will sound crazy to Texans, but… even just opening the windows every once in a while can help!

Tell us in the comments what you like to do to get outdoors and where you like to go!



To read more

Ecotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Jordan, M., & Hinds, J. (Eds.), Red Globe Press, 2016

Environmental Neuroscience
Berman, M.G., et al., American Psychologist, 2019

Nature and Mental Health: An Ecosystem Service Perspective
Bratman, G.N., et al., Science Advances, 2019

Nurtured by Nature
Weir, K., American Psychological Association, 2020

Kelly Fann

Kelly Fann

Digital Media Manager

Kelly has lived in three countries and worked with teens across the world, encouraging them to pursue their passions and to be kind. She’s been refining messages and telling stories for brands and non-profits since 2009.

Ep. 83: Breathing Techniques & Energy Drinks

Ep. 83: Breathing Techniques & Energy Drinks

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Energy drinks have increased in popularity in recent years, especially among teens. But are they really healthier than soft drinks? Chris and Karlie talk about why energy drinks are on the rise and whether or not adolescents should be consuming them.

They’ll also take a look at the most recommended breathing techniques for reducing stress. Controlled breathing is a free, easy-to-implement resource for combatting stress and anxiety. Why not add it to your toolbox?!

Have a question? If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!
About Us:
Chris Robey

Chris Robey


Chris has worked with teens from a variety of backgrounds for over a decade. He has a desire to help teenagers make good choices while also giving their families tools to communicate more effectively as choices are made.

Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Karlie was in one of Teen Life’s original support groups and has always had a heart for teenagers and the vulnerable life stage they are in. She has a wealth of experience to share from working with teens in ministry and leading support groups.

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Ep. 63: Talking with Teens about Stress

Ep. 63: Talking with Teens about Stress

 Listen & Subscribe


Summer is a great time to start conversations with your teen! Use the extra time with them while they are home to get curious and ask open-ended questions.

To help, we’ve designed this series to be a quick, fun way to get everyone talking. Listen together with your teen, or by yourself. You might be surprised at how willing teenagers are to talk when they get started!

In episode 63, Karlie and Tobin talk about some of the most common stressors we hear in Support Groups and how to help teens identify healthy stress management techniques.


How much stress do you have in your life?

Talk through these with your teen after this podcast ends!

  • What causes you the most stress?
  • How are you currently handling the stress in your life?
  • How have you handled stress in a way that was helpful before?
  • What can you do to manage stress now and in the future?
  • How can I help?
Have a question? If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!
About Us:
Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Karlie was in one of Teen Life’s original support groups and has always had a heart for teenagers and the vulnerable life stage they are in. She has a wealth of experience to share from working with teens in ministry and leading support groups.

Tobin Hodges

Tobin Hodges

Program Director

Tobin graduated with a Bachelors of Music from Texas Tech University. A teacher’s kid twice over, he taught for 13 years before coming to Teen Life. His entire career has been centered around helping students and teens from all walks of life become the best version of themselves

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Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

I have been listening to Christmas music. It’s one of my favorite things about this season. Many of my favorite songs sing about peace. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, Do You Hear What I Hear, The Little Drummer Boy, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. The words Peace on Earth ring throughout these songs. And yet, when I look around Christmas doesn’t look peaceful to me. It looks more like Black Friday shoppers fighting over a cheap TV.

Black Friday Chaos
It looks like managing a full calendar of events similar to this.
Full Calendar
It looks like spending hours picking the perfect gifts and managing expectations of what Christmas should look like.
Perfect christmas
Versus what it actually does look like.

It also means spending time with family – for better or for worse depending on the situation.

As we approach these last few days before Christmas, here are a few ideas on ways to add peace to your Christmas.

  • Set apart some personal time. Instead of always being with extended family and friends, set aside an afternoon or evening or a weekend to have a low key no pressure schedule.
  • Set appropriate boundaries. I know this is easier said than done. But say no, when you need to say no. Be purposeful in what conversations you engage in over the Christmas dinner table.
  • Set realistic expectations. For yourself. For your kids. For your family. Check out this post if you need some ideas!
  • Breathe! No matter what. Be sure to keep taking deep breaths!

From all of us at Teen Life, we wish you a peace-filled, joyful, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Beth Nichols

Beth Nichols

Program Director

With her background in social work and experience as a mom of 4, Beth’s perspective is invaluable. She has had the opportunity in both her personal and professional life to encounter youth from a variety of situations.