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In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Week, Chris and Karlie talk through tips for checking in with teenagers you might be worried about. They’ll also share Karlie’s experience with the app BeReal, which is gaining traction with teens and young adults. Don’t miss the talking points for parents and teens about BeReal and how you can use it to connect with your teen.

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources:

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About Us:
Chris Robey

Chris Robey


Chris has worked with teens from a variety of backgrounds for over a decade. He has a desire to help teenagers make good choices while also giving their families tools to communicate more effectively as choices are made.

Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Karlie was in one of Teen Life’s original support groups and has always had a heart for teenagers and the vulnerable life stage they are in. She has a wealth of experience to share from working with teens in ministry and leading support groups.

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