Mental Health Articles and Episodes

Teens are struggling with mental health today in unprecedented levels. In fact, according to the latest CDC report, 4 in 10 teens felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021. The good new is, you can help! We’ll keep you updated on the best tools and time-tested tips for connecting with teens. Because no teen deserves to feel alone.

We keep you bussin’.

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The Future of America

The Future of America

During election seasons, let’s take the time to consider teenagers. They don’t have to agree with you and you don’t need to lecture, but bring them along on the political journey so that they are prepared when it is their turn to vote.

“Making Room” for Teenagers

“Making Room” for Teenagers

I want to show you a picture of my kayak. I’m gonna warn you, it’s pretty sad. This is where my kayak has resided for the last four years since we moved. To my memory, it hasn’t come down since I put it up there.It is very, very sad. In some ways, this kayak serves as a relic of my life before children. In short, I had time to kayak. I would have full days with nothing to do but kayak. And fish. And camp. It was a symbol of a loose schedule where anything could happen and on many days I would wind up on top of this vessel going to parts unknown. But now it sits idle in my garage, casting disapproving looks down at me as I load our kids into the minivan.

Mark Matlock Talks The Importance of Youth Ministry

Mark Matlock Talks The Importance of Youth Ministry

This episode, Chris and Karlie are joined by youth ministry expert, author, and national speaker, Mark Matlock. Join the conversation as Mark discusses the importance of youth ministry and how churches can reach teenagers. Whether or not you attend church, this is a great conversation about the importance of relationships and a place to belong in the life of a teenager.

The Power of “Me Too”

The Power of “Me Too”

Earlier this week, we held our 2nd annual Teen Lifeline Fundraising Dinner & Auction, and I am still blown away by the generosity and support that come from this night. One of my favorite parts of the night came when Beverly Ross spoke truth over the audience. If you haven’t heard of Beverly Ross or Wise County Christian Counseling, I would encourage you to go check them out! At this dinner, Beverly Ross challenged us by saying, “We need to teach that it’s not going to be okay. It’s going to be hard, but you’re never going to do it alone.”

Dr. Mark DeYoung Talks Anxiety

Dr. Mark DeYoung Talks Anxiety

How can help teenagers who deal with anxiety? Dr. Mark DeYoung sheds light on a topic that can be easily misunderstood.