Mental Health Articles and Episodes

Teens are struggling with mental health today in unprecedented levels. In fact, according to the latest CDC report, 4 in 10 teens felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021. The good new is, you can help! We’ll keep you updated on the best tools and time-tested tips for connecting with teens. Because no teen deserves to feel alone.

We keep you bussin’.

Subscribe to the newsletter so you always know what the terms your teen is saying actually mean. We’ll make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest in teen culture, terms, and tech.

13 Reasons Why: Relationships

13 Reasons Why: Relationships

Relationships are a critical part of a teenager’s life, and for this episode, we are focusing on romantic and friendship relationships between the characters in 13 Reasons Why.

Going Beyond “Good Job”: How to Praise Teens

Going Beyond “Good Job”: How to Praise Teens

You’re talking to a teen and they tell you about a situation where they had to make a choice. A friend was pressuring them to do something wrong, something they have always done. In the past, this teen would have chosen to go along with their friend, to give in to the pressure to do something they know is wrong. This time though, they chose to do the right thing. They tell you that they ignored their friend all weekend and chose to stay home. The teen chose to not participate in the wrong-doing. You say something like, “That was a great choice!” The teen looks at you, shrugs off your comment and moves on. This teen just revealed a life changing moment for them and they get a “great job”. We think we just praised them for doing the right thing when in reality, a moment was missed to truly dig deep and offer meaningful praise to a teen who is struggling.

13 Reasons Why: Sexual Assault

13 Reasons Why: Sexual Assault

The Teen Life Podcast looks at how safe adults can help teenagers approach difficult topics, like rape, consent, male rape, and virginity.

13 Reasons Why: Recovery

13 Reasons Why: Recovery

Learn what teens are being exposed to when it comes to recovery from the loss of a loved one, an attempted suicide, substance abuse, sexual assault, and more.

13 Reasons Why: Intervention

13 Reasons Why: Intervention

How do you know if someone is hurting? Join the discussion as we talk about looking for signs and the importance of intervention in the lives of teenagers.

Compassion for the Task at Hand

Compassion for the Task at Hand

This past week I had the honor of speaking to about 100 students over the span of four nights at a church camp. I’ve never been asked to keynote a whole camp before, so obviously I was thrilled to have the opportunity. Our topic was about identity, which is a theme this particular group of students has been studying over the last year. I believe identity is one of the most important topics anyone can engage in when it comes to socialization, personality, spirituality, relationships, really anything. This is especially true with teenagers.