Mental Health Articles and Episodes

Teens are struggling with mental health today in unprecedented levels. In fact, according to the latest CDC report, 4 in 10 teens felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021. The good new is, you can help! We’ll keep you updated on the best tools and time-tested tips for connecting with teens. Because no teen deserves to feel alone.

We keep you bussin’.

Subscribe to the newsletter so you always know what the terms your teen is saying actually mean. We’ll make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest in teen culture, terms, and tech.

Ep. 10: Searching for Identity & Vaping

Ep. 10: Searching for Identity & Vaping

On this week’s episode as Chris and Karlie discuss helping teens develop their identity. Plus, get the facts and stats on vaping and fun games for the whole family.

Ep. 9: Affirmation & Omegle

Ep. 9: Affirmation & Omegle

Learning to affirm others’ worth is a habit that can change the world. Chris and Karlie share tips on positive affirmations for teens, as well as take a critical look at the website Omegle.

Ep. 8: Finding Strengths & Emojis

Ep. 8: Finding Strengths & Emojis

Chris and Karlie discuss ways to help teenagers discover strengths and pursue them. And if you’ve ever been confused about how teens use emojis these days, lean into this episode! We’ll tell you which emojis show your age and which ones you might want to avoid.

Ep. 7: Overcoming Obstacles & Graduation

Ep. 7: Overcoming Obstacles & Graduation

How do we help teens overcome obstacles or bounce back when things are going bad? This week on Teen Life Podcast, Chris and Karlie explore ways to help teens see past present difficulties and look to more optimistic future. They also talk graduation gifts and gap years.

Death of “Future Me”

Death of “Future Me”

I believe this is why we are seeing such a surge in mental health issues with teenagers. When there is no real future, no real reason to engage with our “anticipating self”, then what is the reason to engage or hope?