Mental Health Articles and Episodes

Teens are struggling with mental health today in unprecedented levels. In fact, according to the latest CDC report, 4 in 10 teens felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021. The good new is, you can help! We’ll keep you updated on the best tools and time-tested tips for connecting with teens. Because no teen deserves to feel alone.

We keep you bussin’.

Subscribe to the newsletter so you always know what the terms your teen is saying actually mean. We’ll make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest in teen culture, terms, and tech.

Ep. 52: Alcohol & Testing

Ep. 52: Alcohol & Testing

Whether or not you suspect your teen is consuming alcohol, it’s a conversation worth having. We’re here in ep. 52 with tips for starting the conversation.

Diagnosis: Loneliness

Diagnosis: Loneliness

Our interactions have become shorter. We leave the house less. Fewer details are shared in conversations. We say less. We are lonely. And our teenagers are too.

Ep. 50: Teen Life’s Top Five

Ep. 50: Teen Life’s Top Five

We’re celebrating our 50th podcast episode with an overview of topics that continue to be relevant, like trauma triggers, pronouns, and helping teens manage stress.

Ep. 49: Deep Dive on Pornography

Ep. 49: Deep Dive on Pornography

The Teen Life team takes a closer look at how pornography affects teenage boys and girls and what kinds of conversations you might need to be having.

Ep. 48: Pornography & Acronyms 2

Ep. 48: Pornography & Acronyms 2

The average age children today are exposed to porn is somewhere between 8 & 13. Do you know how to talk to your teen about pornography?