Anxiety Articles and Episodes

Teenage anxiety is on the rise, but do you know the signs? Check out our many resources on ways to help teens deal with school anxiety, friend anxiety, clinical anxiety, and more.

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Ep. 103: Anxiety & Gap Years

Ep. 103: Anxiety & Gap Years

Know the signs to look for if your teen is suffering from anxiety and learn ways to offer support. We’ll also discuss gap years- how, when and why they work.

Average Teenage Behavior or Warning Sign?

Average Teenage Behavior or Warning Sign?

How do you know what is normal teenage behavior or a red flag that should cause concern? Adolescents are constantly changing and it is difficult to know when to ask questions and how to recognize warning signs.

Disconnected in an Overly Connected World

Disconnected in an Overly Connected World

The distractions in our lives are overwhelming. We are constantly attempting to keep up with the whole world and our own lives, which often leads to us feeling like failures. It is IMPOSSIBLE to stay connected IRL (in real life) when we are connected online 24/7. We have phones, tablets, computers, gaming systems, all loaded down with apps to keep us from having to interact with an actual person. The lack of connections we feel IRL often leads to feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. There are three major areas that have been connected to why people have become disconnected IRL…

Dr. Mark DeYoung Talks Anxiety

Dr. Mark DeYoung Talks Anxiety

How can help teenagers who deal with anxiety? Dr. Mark DeYoung sheds light on a topic that can be easily misunderstood.

Motivation Monday: A Lesson in Empathy

Motivation Monday: A Lesson in Empathy

We are less than 9 weeks away from our 7th annual #TL5K! In order to celebrate our biggest fundraiser of the year and bring awareness to what actually happens through Teen Lifeline Support Groups, we are going to release a bonus blog once a week until our 5K on April 2nd! These blogs will be a small glimpse into the stories of teenagers we work with and some of the facilitators who make these groups possible.

We are passionate about these groups because we get to see the faces, hear the stories and speak truth every single week. If you are just now getting introduced to Teen Lifeline or are wanting to know more about how we are helping teenagers live life better, these stories over the next 9 weeks are going to be a great way to take a behind-the-scenes peek at our non-profit.