Personal Development Articles and Episodes

If you’re looking to develop interpersonal skills and general well-being, you’ve come to the right place! Check back regularly for tips on how to improve your mental health, build better connections, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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A Teenage Love Story

A Teenage Love Story

Teenage love stories are impossibly romantic, often formed by fantasy instead of reality. We do teens a disservice if we don’t model and talk about true love.

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

It’s that time of year. For a majority of my adult life, late December brings on loads of ambition. This will be the year. I’m gonna lose weight, get in better shape, read some more books, and in general – dominate life. We all feel it, right? Gym membership deals are flooding our mailbox while visions of what could be possible flood our imaginations. Maybe this is the year we will get out of debt. What if I actually got my act together on all of the things I have neglected to this point? We all love the opportunity to start over. This is the great part of living in a free society – we get to choose our direction. If we want to be successful, generally with the right tools and support, we can do so. If we want to be a drain on society, there is an option to do that as well! This is the time of year where making good choices seems not only possible, but likely. We are filled with a sense of hope and optimism that next year could be better than the last.

Promoting Thankfulness

Promoting Thankfulness

November is one of the only times of year that is set aside for everyone to be thankful. We are thankful for food, family, and football. But especially right now, many people seem to be struggling with thankfulness. Maybe they aren’t thankful for our President Elect, their job situation, the fact that Texas doesn’t have a real Fall…the list could go on and on. But teenagers and our kids are watching us! If we aren’t thankful, why should they be?

Robert Purvey Talks Racism

Robert Purvey Talks Racism

Racism is a huge topic in our country right now. This episode, Chris and Karlie are joined by Robert Purvey to start a conversation about this difficult and sometimes polarizing subject. We are excited for you to hear the wisdom and insight from Robert and he brings up the importance of talking about racism with our teenagers.

Helping When It Hurts

Helping When It Hurts

I just got back from serving with LiveBeyond in Thomazeau, Haiti, where poverty, starvation, sickness and Satan can be seen at every corner. While I was still processing this level of hurt and pain, I came home to the injustice of the Orlando shooting. Hurt has so many different faces. Hurt can be overwhelming and sometimes it is easier to do nothing rather than wade into the unknown of pain. However, if there is anything that I have learned while in Haiti, it is that we cannot simply sit back and stay quiet. If not us, then who?

The Importance of Breathing

The Importance of Breathing

Breathing. It's so easy, so second nature that we rarely even think about doing it. Did you know that the average human being (hopefully that's you) takes around 12-20 breaths per minute? That means that you take anywhere from 17,280 to 28,800 breaths every single...