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Dry January and Teens

Dry January and Teens

Dry January could be a good time for you as a parent to practice, model, and educate on alcohol awareness and responsible drinking. Here are a few ideas.

4 Benefits of Kindness

4 Benefits of Kindness

An article by the Baton Rouge Clinic outlines eight ways that being kind can actually be good for you, but I want to focus on four…

A Seat at the Table

A Seat at the Table

Imagine going through all of the typical adolescent milestones, while feeling like you were the only one in the world experiencing them. It’s no wonder teens are lonely. But you can help.

Why teens need caring adults

Why teens need caring adults

When I was fifteen, I was thriving as much as a nerdy, idiotic, high school sophomore could. At least on the outside…

6 Soft Skills for Every Teen

6 Soft Skills for Every Teen

After two years of quarantines and unorthodox school routines, it’s especially important to hone in on soft skills that will help teens succeed socially.