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We Got This: COVID-19

We Got This: COVID-19

Before Pearl Harbor, America wasn’t going to enter WWII. It didn’t affect us. Right now, every American individual, business and government is deciding on some level, “Am I in or am I out?” Pearl Harbor hurtled us toward an unknown, but it also created allies. America rallied. Men enlisted; women volunteered. Society was changed forever. And in many ways for the better.

The Power of Consistency

The Power of Consistency

Working with students is hard because it is unpredictable. What we have learned at Teen Life over the last 11 years is the power of consistency.

5 Assumptions About Teenagers

5 Assumptions About Teenagers

Teenagers are easy targets to complain about…they cost a lot of money, eat way too much food, do weird and sometimes awkward things, spend a ton of time on their phones or gaming systems, and often cause drama with the whole going-through-puberty thing. In fact, we all make assumptions when it comes to teens. Here are five assumptions we know to be true.

Seeking Connection

Seeking Connection

We are made to be connected, yet so many of us feel disconnected. Not just alone in a crowd, but lonely in a crowd. Too many people lack the connectedness of authentic relationships.

13 Reasons Why: Making Noise or Making Change?

13 Reasons Why: Making Noise or Making Change?

So many people want their ideas, problems, concerns, and injustices heard. That is not a bad thing at all, but there is a difference between making change and just making noise! Here are a few ways that we can encourage teenagers (and ourselves) to make more than just noise.