Seasonal Depression + Teens on Mission | Ep. 140

Seasonal Depression + Teens on Mission | Ep. 140

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Teens with a purpose, seasonal depression and the best of 2023.

The fall and winter seasons bring more than just chilly weather and cozy holidays. For some, these months usher in a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), triggered by reduced daylight. Recognizing the signs is crucial: shifts in mood, energy levels, eating habits, and concentration are all indicative of SAD. But there are ways to combat it.

Maximizing exposure to daylight through walks or special bulbs helps, as does talking about your feelings with friends, family, or a therapist. If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal depression, you are not alone! Listen for more ways to manage symptoms and get help when you need it.

Amidst these seasonal shifts, finding purpose can be a beacon of light. Encouraging teens to define their missions, whether tackling societal issues or personal growth, becomes vital for mental health. Aligning time and energy with these missions, even if intimidating, fosters resilience. It’s about the journey, not just the destination.

Parents, educators, and mentors can guide this journey by asking teens about their aspirations and supporting them in crafting their missions. After all, it’s never too early to have a mission!

Teens on mission are teens with a purpose

As we dive into the new year, there’s a buzz about resolutions, goals, and plans. But amidst all this, there’s something even more vital to grasp: our ‘why’. And for teens, this ‘why’ often revolves around finding a purpose, a mission that fuels their days with passion and meaning.

So, how do we guide teens in uncovering their purpose? Or better yet, how can we infuse purpose into our families and classrooms?

Let’s start by painting a canvas of possibilities and inviting teens into a story.

It’s about asking those pivotal questions. What issue do they want to tackle? Homelessness, loneliness, insecurity, or maybe unpreparedness? These inquiries open doors to missions—temporary quests that drive change and impact lives.

Missions aren’t etched in stone.

They’re adaptable, and that’s the beauty of it. Having a purpose, however, is the cornerstone of mental health—a compass that guides actions and decisions.

For teens and adults alike, aligning time and energy with your mission or purpose is a golden rule. If it’s a tad scary, well, that’s often a sign that you’re on the right track. The destination is important, but the real magic lies in the journey—the effort and the strides taken toward that goal.

So, what does having a purpose look like for teens?

It’s a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Some examples could be:

  • Love god, love others
  • Learn and have fun
  • Prepare for the future (college, job)
  • Become a better writer
  • Pass the AP test

It’s amazing when teens zero in on the purpose they want to pursue long-term in their lives, but for most, it’s less intimidating to set a short-term goal.

But living on purpose demands strategy.

Ask yourself—what’s needed to accomplish this mission? Sometimes, it means letting go of things that don’t align with the mission’s trajectory. It’s about priorities and focus.

You’re never too young to have a mission. You’re the architect of your future, and a mission is like the blueprint. Want a fun exercise? Picture your life in 5 or 10 years. Where do you see yourself amidst life’s ups and downs?

Helping teens find their purpose is about empowering teens to dream, discover, and conquer. It’s about nurturing a generation driven by intent and passion.

So, parents, educators, mentors—let’s be the guiding stars. Engage in conversations about aspirations, nudging teens toward their missions. It’s a journey, an exploration of self-discovery.

And teens, if you’re feeling a tad lost or uncertain, that’s alright. The path to finding your mission isn’t always straightforward. It’s about trying on different hats, exploring varied interests, and figuring out what truly resonates.

As we embark on this mission-driven journey, remember—it’s not just about reaching the finish line. It’s about the grit, the determination, the stories woven along the way. It’s about waking up each day with a fire in your belly, fueled by purpose.

Let’s champion teens with a purpose. Let’s paint a world where passion meets action, where dreams aren’t just dreams but blueprints for change.

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources about seasonal depression and teens on mission.

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

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Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Tobin Hodges

Tobin Hodges

Program Director

Caleb Hatchett

Caleb Hatchett

Podcast Host

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Title Image: Depression & Lemon8
Happy multi-ethnic family at the beach smiling at the camera

Heather & Jade Talk Teen Pregnancy

Heather & Jade Talk Teen Pregnancy

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Two stories of teen pregnancy converge

In this re-edited interview from 2016, Chris and Karlie are joined by Heather and Jade to talk about their stories both separately and as they intertwine.

As a young teen mom, Jade was connected with Heather, who offered her much-needed support and encouragement. Heather was able to provide hope and a new perspective through the lens of her own teen pregnancy.

Even 7 years after this interview, it remained one of our top-played episodes.

You won’t want to miss this timeless wisdom on the joys and challenges of teen parenthood.

In this episode, you’ll find out…

  • Two different stories about teen pregnancy and parenthood.
  • Ways to support and encourage teen parents.
  • What it is like to be a teen parent while trying to finish school.
  • The importance of mentors and friends in the life of a teen parent.

Ask yourself…

  • Have I sat down and asked someone else’s story lately?
  • How can I better support and encourage a teen parent?
  • Who has made a difference in my own life?

Go ask a teen…

  • Who has supported you the most?
  • What is the biggest joy of being a parent?
  • How can I help support and encourage you?
Advice for teen parents:
  • Get counseling or therapy if you need it.
  • Stay in school!
  • You can do it! There is support out there for you.
  • Your best is good enough.

For people supporting teen parents:
  • Offer to help, and keep offering even when they say no!
  • Be inclusive when you can. It is hard for teen moms to find where they fit and belong.
  • Show up!
  • Let them vent without telling them what to do.
  • Be vulnerable and let them know that you genuinely care about them.

Heather and Jade at our podcast recording to talk about teen pregnancy

Resources for teenage parents:

  • If you or someone you know is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, Pregnancy Help 4 U can help.
  • If you are someone who works with student-aged parents, reach out to for more information about our Support Group Curriculum designed for teen parents!
  • Original music by Luke Cabrera and Tobin Hodges.

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Heather Gradke

Heather Gradke

Special Guest

Jade Rains

Jade Rains

Special Guest

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2023 Teen Life Christmas Party | Ep. 138

2023 Teen Life Christmas Party | Ep. 138

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Join us for a jolly good time talking about Christmas traditions, gifts, and Santa for teens.

Chris is back for a special Christmas episode where the gang tells about their own Christmas traditions, how they manage gifts and expectations, and more.

Be sure to listen for Christmas activities teens will enjoy, too!

Parenting Tip

Pick one or two non-negotiable activities. Then make the rest optional or ask your teens. Don’t expect them to do everything!

In this episode, we mentioned the following Christmas movies.

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Tobin Hodges
Tobin Hodges

Program Director

Caleb Hatchett
Caleb Hatchett

Podcast Host

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

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More Resources You Might Like

2023 Teen Christmas Gift Guide
Christmas Activities & New Movies
Episode 36: Christmas Traditions

Traveling with Teens + Family Dynamics | Ep. 137

Traveling with Teens + Family Dynamics | Ep. 137

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Tips, Games, and Coping Strategies to Make Traveling with Teens a Breeze

Navigating the winter break presents distinctive challenges, particularly when teenagers are part of the equation. Questions arise, from managing constant adolescent hunger pangs to handling complex family dynamics.

In episode 137 of the Teen Life Podcast, we delve into effortless strategies for traveling with teens. Moreover, we explore what to do (and not to do) in coping with family dynamics. Plus, don’t overlook our savvy fast food tips that won’t strain your wallet.

What Do You Remember About Traveling as a Teenager?

Remember those road trips as a teen? The excitement, the boredom, the endless “are we there yet?” Sound familiar? 

A lot has changed about traveling since then, but the endless complaints and disgusted side glances are eternal. Fear not, we’ve got your back with some strategies and fun games to keep everyone engaged and the trip as smooth as possible.

Travel Tip #1: Double down on snacks

Before hitting the road, ensure your snack game is top-notch. Teens have insatiable appetites, especially on long journeys. Load up on their favorite munchies to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Granola bars, fruit, chips, and even some homemade treats can be a lifesaver when hunger strikes.

Travel Tip #2: Get everyone involved with car games

Here are a few of our favorites!

My Cows

Here’s a quirky game to keep things lively: Spot a group of cows and yell “My Cows” – claim your cows! But beware, passing a graveyard allows someone to retaliate by saying, “I kill your cows,” targeting your herd. Fortunately, passing a church revives your lost cows.

The Alphabet Game

Challenge your teens to find a word that starts with each letter of the alphabet in order. It’s a brain teaser that keeps everyone involved and thinking.


One person is the guesser and everyone else decides on a number between 1 and 10 without showing the guesser. The goal of the game is to get the guesser to understand the number by rating choices in different categories.

For example, the “secret” number is 4 and the guesser chooses the category “cars”, the person he/she calls on gives an example of a car that rates 4. The guesser decides how high on the scale it is and says the number out loud and says “fast food restaurant.” The next person names a fast food restaurant that rates 4. And so forth. When everyone has named one item, the guesser gives a final score. If it’s correct, they win!

Watch here to see it in action on TIkTok.

Name That Tune

A classic! Tune into the radio or a playlist, and have fun guessing the name of the song and the artist. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy some music together.

The Movie Game

Test your movie knowledge by naming films consecutively, starting each new title with the last letter of the previous one. It’s a game that can last the entire trip!

Icebreakers and Would You Rather

Engage your teens with fun icebreakers or intriguing “Would You Rather” questions. It’s a great way to spark conversations and create lasting memories.

Coping Strategies for Teens with Flight Anxiety

Flying can be daunting, especially for teens dealing with flight anxiety. Here are some helpful tips to ease their nerves:

Distractions during Takeoff and Landing

Encourage distractions like magazines, puzzles, or engaging conversations to divert their attention.

Tech-Free Alternatives: While technology is handy, suggest non-tech distractions like puzzles, books, or even drawing materials in case technology fails.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

These can work wonders in blocking out plane noises and creating a more serene atmosphere.

Chew Gum

Chewing gum can alleviate ear discomfort caused by changes in air pressure during takeoff and landing.

Preparation and Communication

Discuss expectations and the flight plan beforehand to ease their worries and uncertainties.

Make the most of travel to make memories.

No matter how you travel, you can make the most of your time together as a way to make memories and create a stronger family bond.

Whether your family is traveling or your extended family is coming to you during the holidays, you are probably dealing with people you don’t see very often.

Here are some ideas to help teens navigate family interactions with people they aren’t as close to:
  • DON’T force them to hug family. They can be polite, but their body, their choice.
  • Go over names ahead of time if they don’t know everyone.
  • Be willing to step in and save the day if they get cornered by a chatty relative.
  • Give them space if they need alone time or want to hang out with cousins instead of being around adults.
  • If extended family is in town for a while, let them invite a friend over or give them an afternoon away where they can go be with friends.
  • Let them plan something so they are excited about it too!

BONUS: Listen to the full episode for our top fast-food hacks of the season.

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources about traveling games and family dynamics.

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

More Resources You Might Like

Taking the Stress out of Holiday Traditions
2023 Teen Christmas Gift Guide
Christmas Activities & New Movies

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Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Tobin Hodges

Tobin Hodges

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Caleb Hatchett

Caleb Hatchett

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Lapse + Meta Lawsuit + Teacher Burnout + Advent | Ep. 136

Lapse + Meta Lawsuit + Teacher Burnout + Advent | Ep. 136

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How to Help Tired Teachers with Mid-Year Burnout

As winter break approaches, teachers, parents, and students all struggle to finish the semester strong. Kids are crazy. Tired teachers struggle to get all the grades in and contain classrooms of tired, excitable students. It gets dark earlier. How can everyone survive this time of year?

Here are just a few ways parents can help tired teachers.

Open Communication

Maintain open and respectful communication with teachers. Establishing a positive relationship allows for discussing concerns or challenges, fostering a supportive environment for both parties.

Respect Boundaries

Understand and respect teachers’ time and boundaries. Avoid expecting immediate responses after school hours and be mindful of their workload.

Support Classroom Policies

Familiarize yourself with classroom policies and support teachers in implementing them. Consistency between home and school environments can ease teachers’ workload and create a conducive learning atmosphere.

Volunteering and Assistance

Offer to volunteer or assist in classroom activities, field trips, or projects. Your involvement can alleviate some of the workload and demonstrate support for the teacher.

Encourage Positive Behavior

Reinforce positive behavior and values taught in the classroom at home. This alignment helps create a consistent and supportive environment for learning.

Regular Updates

Stay informed about your child’s progress and any updates from the school. Respond promptly to communications from teachers to facilitate a smoother interaction and support their efforts.

Appreciation and Recognition

Express gratitude and appreciation for the work teachers do. A simple thank-you note or gesture can go a long way in boosting their morale and motivation.

Respectful Disagreements

In case of disagreements or concerns, address them respectfully and directly with the teacher. Open dialogue and collaboration can lead to effective resolutions.

Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs)

Participate actively in PTAs or school committees. Contributing to the school community and initiatives can indirectly support teachers by improving overall school dynamics.

Understanding Challenges

Recognize the challenges teachers face, such as managing diverse student needs or adapting to changing educational standards. Having empathy for these challenges can help create a more supportive environment.

Be sure to listen to the full episode for Tobin’s tips on tone and other ways to help everyone make it to winter break!

Also in this episode:

  • The Lapse app, 3rd in the App Store a couple of weeks ago, has now outpaced TikTok and Google. The app mimics a disposable camera that snaps pictures and then has a wait period (as the film “develops”) before you can view them.
  • States across the US have filed a lawsuit against Meta saying that Meta — which owns Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger — violated consumer protection laws by unfairly ensnaring children and deceiving users about the safety of its platforms. It accuses Meta of having profoundly altered the psychological and social realities of a generation of young Americans.
  • Not everyone participates in Christmas, but there are many winter holidays and traditions to celebrate.

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources about the Lapse app, social media lawsuits, and winter holiday traditions.

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us

Karlie Duke

Karlie Duke

Director of Communications

Tobin Hodges

Tobin Hodges

Program Director

Caleb Hatchett

Caleb Hatchett

Podcast Host

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2023 Teen Christmas Gift Guide