Ep. 8: Finding Strengths & Emojis

Ep. 8: Finding Strengths & Emojis

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One of the most difficult aspects of personal development is not only facing challenges but also finding strengths.

And if it’s hard as an adult, for many teenagers it can feel impossible. Chris and Karlie discuss ways to help teenagers discover strengths and pursue them. And if you’ve ever been confused about how teens use emojis these days, lean into this episode! We’ll tell you which emojis show your age and which ones you might want to avoid.

Teen Life Summit sessions are no longer available.

Popular Emojis for Teens:

  • 🔥 (lit)
  • 🙄 (duh)
  • ?️??️ (it is what it is – similar to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  • ☠️ (dead, dying from laughing)
  • 😭 (“crying loudly” – laughing, crying, drama)
  • 🙏 (thank you, or to make a request)
  • ? (thumbs up)

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Ep. 7: Overcoming Obstacles & Graduation

Ep. 7: Overcoming Obstacles & Graduation

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How do we help teens overcome obstacles or bounce back when things are going bad?

This week on the Teen Life Podcast, Chris and Karlie explore ways to help teens see past present difficulties and look to more optimistic future. They also talk graduation gifts and gap years.

Teen Life Summit sessions are no longer available.

In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ep. 6: School Life & Memes

Ep. 6: School Life & Memes

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It’s not difficult to imagine that mental health has deep-rooted effects on academic achievement.

Succeeding at school is as much a health issue as it is a mind-game. Chris and Karlie talk school and how to help students achieve a healthy school life.

Also on this week’s episode, the meme phenomenon. What it is and why people love it.

In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ep. 4: Dating Relationships & Streaming Services

Ep. 4: Dating Relationships & Streaming Services

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Dating relationships for teenagers today are very different than they were for millennials and Gen Xers.

On episode 4 of the Teen Life Podcast, Chris and Karlie talk current teen dating lingo and habits, so you can know what to talk about and when to ask questions. Also, get ideas for what to watch as a family and what to look out for on popular streaming services. You won’t want to miss this week’s tip on how to start conversations with your teen about race.

In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

Teen terms to note:

  • Ghosting: To suddenly stop communicating with a person (without explanation)
  • Zombieing: To randomly text or call after ghosting someone
  • Talking: To be interested in each other, but not officially dating
  • Sexting: To exchange texts and usually photos of a sexual nature
  • Hooking Up: Used for anything from kissing to sex
  • Netflix & Chill: Used as a front for inviting someone over to make out (or maybe more)
  • DTR: Define the Relationship

Movies to watch together that discuss race or diversify your content:

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ryan Young Talks Student Athletes

Ryan Young Talks Student Athletes

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Athletics are a huge part of many teenagers’ Middle School and High School experiences.

Chris and Karlie are joined by former NFL player, Ryan Young, to talk about how to raise, coach and develop successful students athletes.

There is a place for balance and growth in the context of adolescent athletics. Join us for a great conversation about how to make the most of those teenage athletic years!

You’ll find out…

  • How students can grow and learn through involvement in sports.
  • Some unique challenges of student athletes.
  • The lies that parents and coaches tell teenage athletes.
  • The importance of taking a break and allowing teens to rest.
  • Some qualities of a successful student athlete.
Know your why and your how. Your why is so much more important than your X’s and O’s!
Ryan Young

Ask yourself…

  • Am I setting realistic goals for this student athlete?
  • How can I better help teens manage their time and balance priorities other than sports?
  • Why am investing in the lives of student athletes? How can I best engage my athletes?

Go ask a teen…

  • How are sports helping you succeed in other areas? In school? At home? With friends?
  • Are you setting realistic goals for yourself?
  • Are you having fun?


In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

Have a question?
If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!
Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ryan Young
Ryan Young

Special Guest