Ep. 69: School Apps & Instagram Updates

Ep. 69: School Apps & Instagram Updates

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In episode 69, Chris and Karlie dive into apps and other tools that can help teens stay organized as the school year kicks into full swing. Don’t miss the latest on Instagram updates and changes, too. Then, while we’re on the topic of phones and apps, we’ve got a hot tip on phones that you won’t want to miss.

Links & Resources

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us:

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ep. 68: Back to School & Summer Superlatives

Ep. 68: Back to School & Summer Superlatives

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How to handle back-to-school anxiety and set your family up for success during the school year

Chris and Karlie are back at it, celebrating the start of a new school year. Join us in a summer superlative review of top hits and trends. We’ll also discuss back-to-school anxiety and how to set your teen up for the transition back. If you are a parent looking to raise your kids with Christian spirituality, don’t miss this week’s tip.

Links & Resources

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

More Resources You Might Like

Episode 19: Back to School Anxiety and Simone Biles
Creating a family bucket list
A gorilla and a grizzly bear

Ep. 67: Talking with Teens about Service

Ep. 67: Talking with Teens about Service

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Summer is a great time to start conversations with your teen!

Use the extra time with them while they are home to get curious and ask open-ended questions.

To help, we’ve designed this series to be a quick, fun way to get everyone talking. Listen together with your teen, or by yourself. You might be surprised at how willing teenagers are to talk when they get started!

In the last episode of the Talking with Teens series, Chris and Karlie talk about service and using personal strengths to help others.

How much do you use your strengths to help others?

Talk through these with your teen after this podcast ends!

  • How have you used your strengths to help others?
  • How has someone served or helped you in the past? How did it make you feel?
  • What is one way you could serve someone this school year?

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources:

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

About Us:

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Ep. 66: Talking with Teens about Value

Ep. 66: Talking with Teens about Value

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How much do you feel you can depend on the people in your life?

Summer is a great time to start conversations with your teen! Use the extra time with them while they are home to get curious and ask open-ended questions.

To help, we’ve designed this series to be a quick, fun way to get everyone talking. Listen together with your teen, or by yourself. You might be surprised at how willing teenagers are to talk when they get started!

Episode 66 is one of our most important conversations in the series. Karlie and Tobin look at how much teens feel valued by the people in their life.

Talk through these with your teen after this podcast ends!

  • Who do you think you can depend on the most?
  • Are there people who you depend on that don’t value you?
  • What would it take for you to feel more valued by the people close to you?
  • What can you do to be more dependable to the people in your life?

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Tobin Hodges
Tobin Hodges

Program Director

Ep. 65: Talking with Teens about Hope

Ep. 65: Talking with Teens about Hope

 Listen & Subscribe

Summer is a great time to start conversations with your teen!

Use the extra time with them while they are home to get curious and ask open-ended questions.

To help, we’ve designed this series to be a quick, fun way to get everyone talking. Listen together with your teen, or by yourself. You might be surprised at how willing teenagers are to talk when they get started!

In episode 65, Chris and Kelly talk about hope as an indicator of mental health and ways to foster hope in your life.

How much hope do you have for the future?

Talk through these with your teen after this podcast ends!

  • What’s one good thing in your life right now?
  • How optimistic do you feel about the future?
  • Where would you like to get involved/volunteer?

In this episode, we mentioned or used the following resources:

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Kelly Fann
Kelly Fann

Digital Media Manager