Don’t Panic about a Bad Story with Dr. Michael Arnold

Don’t Panic about a Bad Story with Dr. Michael Arnold

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Story-telling is a powerful tool, especially when working with teenagers. In this episode, Dr. Michael Arnold joins Chris to discuss Narrative Therapy and how you can use stories to start conversations and deepen relationships with teenagers. Don’t panic about Narrative Therapy, even you can utilize the power of story and metaphors!

In this episode, you’ll find out…
  • What Narrative Therapy is and how it can be used in counseling and everyday life.
  • The 3 stages of Narrative Therapy.
  • How we can help students reconstruct their story.
  • Why story is so important in our culture.
  • How you can use Narrative Therapy to build deeper relationships with teenagers.
The coolest and the scariest thing about the future is the question mark of it.
Dr. Michael Arnold

Ask yourself…
  • Am I taking time to be still and just listen?
  • What do I want to change about my own story?
Go ask a teen…
  • What do you want this to mean in the future for you?
  • Is there anything that you want to be different in your story?
In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

Have a question?
If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!
Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Michael Arnold

Michael Arnold

Special Guest

Don’t Panic – Get Involved in Schools!

Don’t Panic – Get Involved in Schools!

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School is a major part of every teenager’s life. It is also the best way to serve and reach students on their turf. In this episode, Chris and Karlie discuss the importance of adult involvement in schools and how you can be a resource to your community. Don’t panic about the current state of our teenagers and their schools, let’s get involved and start making a difference by reaching out to public schools!

In this episode, you’ll find out…

  • Why it is important to volunteer and get involved in your local school.
  • How school involvement benefits both the school staff and the students.
  • Real-life examples of ways to get involved in schools.
  • 3 different stories of how people in our community our reaching out to schools.
  • A 3-step process to volunteering on a school campus.

Ask yourself…

  • Is there a school close by that I would like to get involved with?
  • What skills or services could I offer to my local school?

Go ask a school campus…

  • Do you have a volunteer coordinator that I can get in touch with?
  • How can I help?
  • What can I do to support your staff and students?


In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:
Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

Don’t Panic about Foster Care with Shiloh Jones

Don’t Panic about Foster Care with Shiloh Jones

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If you know a teenager who is in the foster care system or who is living with someone other than their parents, you need to listen to this episode! We were thrilled to sit down and listen to the advice and insight Shiloh Jones brings! How do you interact with a teenager who lives in foster care? How can you be helpful and encouraging in the midst of a difficult situation? Don’t panic about foster care – you can be a supportive, encouraging force in a teenager’s life!

In this episode, you’ll find out…

  • The issues that children and teens in the foster care system have to deal with.
  • Why a child might enter foster care in the first place.
  • How foster children relate to the 5 Stages of Grief.
  • The unique restrictions and regulations put on teenagers in foster care.
  • What “aging out” of foster care looks like.
  • How you can support and encourage a teenager who is living apart from their parents.

Ask yourself…

  • Am I willing to be a stable, consistent relationship in this student’s life?
  • Have I noticed a change in attitude or behavior?
  • Am I being sensitive and aware of holidays and anniversary dates?

Go ask a teen…

  • What’s going on? How have things been?
  • What do you need?
  • Do you feel safe? Do you feel like you are in a safe place where you can be yourself and start to heal?


In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:

About Us

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Shiloh Jones

Shiloh Jones

Special Guest

Have a question?

If you have a question about something you heard or just want to give us some feedback, please leave us a comment below.  We would love to hear from you!

You Said WHAT?! – A Guide to Teen Talk

You Said WHAT?! – A Guide to Teen Talk

When you hang out with teenagers every week who tend to push the boundaries and find themselves in trouble at school, you have learn some new vocabulary pretty quickly! This is the position I find myself in…often.

I cannot tell you how many times I have sat in a group, dumbfounded and confused, while the entire room laughs at a word or phrase I don’t know. Teenagers can sometimes have a different language. They talk in lots of letters and seemingly innocent phrases can mean something else entirely!

So what can we do? How do we keep up? What do these words even mean?!

If you spend any time with teenagers, you should find these principles helpful (and stick around for our teen term guide at the bottom):

Pay attention

This one seems self-explanatory, I know! But if you aren’t paying attention to what your teen is saying, the words they are speaking to their friends or the phrases they use in text messages and on social media, you won’t know where to start. Pay attention to what they, and their close friends, are saying – especially if you hear something that doesn’t make sense (i.e. a bunch of letters like wtf or bae).

Take note of what you don’t understand and follow-up on it! They often think that they are getting away with something by using code, so turn the tables on them and start listening and asking questions!


Ask them for clarification

After you have paid attention and hear a word that you don’t know, ask them about it. It could be possible that they don’t even really understand what it means and just hear it at school, or they might start acting funny and you’ll know you’re on to something!

If you hear something you are concerned about, don’t be afraid to confront that teenager and let them know that you are listening to what they are saying and care enough to start a conversation about it. But keep in mind, this should be a conversation – ask for clarification and then sit back and let them respond.


Google it

This tends to be my go-to, especially when I don’t want them to know that I have no idea what they’re talking about…

(Don’t tell my secret), but in times like these, I pretend like I know what these words and phrases mean. It’s not hard to figure out that they aren’t talking about monkey bars when they say they were doing “bars” and the rest of the group either laughs or looks quickly at me to check my reaction. At the time, I had no idea what bars were, but I pretended I did, shut down the conversation and went home to safely Google-it myself.


At Teen Lifeline, we firmly believe in being present and active in teenagers’ lives. This may mean asking awkward questions or having uncomfortable conversations when you figure out what they are actually talking about. But it is worth it! Show that you have some street-cred and keep up to date with the newest phrases and coolest terms.


Here’s a good starting point if you have no idea what to listen for:

(*Disclaimer: This blog post is not meant to make you paranoid or cause you to grill your teenager as soon as they get home. Not every teenager even knows what these words mean – please don’t assume the worst! Instead of panicking, pay attention and keep the door open for positive conversations!)

Teen Lifeline Dictionary

Term MeaningExample(s)
Netflix & ChillThis is not just hanging out and watching movies - this means "hooking up" or having sex. Wanna go Netflix and chill?
BaeBefore anyone else; baby; sweetieRyan Gosling is bae.
I love you so much bae!
Hooking upCould mean literally anything - kissing, making out, sex - ask what their definition is!Did you hear that they have been hooking up?
GOATGreatest Of All Time.Tony Romo is the G.O.A.T!
Those shoes are G.O.A.T.
LitIncredibly awesome; or extremely intoxicated. This song is lit!
Last night, I got lit.
DMDirect Message - private messaging on Twitter or InstagramCan't talk now, DM me.
He slid in my DM.
Molly Drug called MDMA or ecstasy She took a Molly last night.
WTFPronounced "W-T-F," meaning "What the f***?!"WTF is wrong with you?!
GoalsWhen something is attractive or it's something you aspire to. Ben & Lauren are relationship goals.
Your hair is goals!
AFPronounced "af," meaning "As f***"I'm hungry af.
That class was boring af.
She is annoying af.
PAW or PIRParents Are Watching or Parents In Room - if you see an acronym starting with 'P' ask questions!Let's talk later PAW/PIR
VShort for "very."I'm v tired.
Dinner was v good!

Are there any other words or phrases you’re curious about? Do you have any suggestions for how to start this conversation? Share with us!

Karlie Duke was in one of Teen Lifeline’s original support groups and now is our Communications Director. She is passionate about encouraging students to live better stories.

Don’t Panic about Preparing Teens for the Future with David Fraze

Don’t Panic about Preparing Teens for the Future with David Fraze

What does the transition from adolescence into adulthood look like for parents and teens?

Your teen is going to grow up and become an adult. A scary thought, we know!

But in this episode, join the conversation with Dr. David Fraze about what this transition looks like and how we can better prepare teenagers to emerge as functioning, responsible adults. Your teen will eventually leave you, but don’t panic – you’ve got this!


You’ll find out…

  • The 3 questions teens are tasked with before emerging into adulthood.
  • What teenagers need to walk through the transitions in adolescence.
  • The role of adults in a student’s life.
  • Ways to deliberately provide teenagers with adult connections.
  • How to help students build healthy peer relationships.
  • What you can do to prepare teenagers for adulthood.

Ask yourself…

  • How can I better praise teens based on who they are and not just what they do?
  • What kind of example of character, of choice making, of responsibility, and of rule following am I setting?
  • What am I teaching teenagers about being an adult?

Go ask a teen…

  • How many significant adult relationships do you have in your life?
  • Who are the 5 adults that you would talk to if you wouldn’t want my advice?
  • What is it like to be a teenager in 2016?



Karlie Duke
Karlie Duke

Communications Director

Chris Robey
Chris Robey

Former CEO

Dr. David Fraze

Dr. David Fraze

Special Guest

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